2direct GmbH
Langenstück 5
58579 Schalksmühle, Germany
Phone. +49 2351 66887-0
Fax. +49 2351 66887-29
Email: info@2direct.de
VAT: DE 813146449
WEEE-Reg.: DE 81077960
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Court Iserlohn HRB 4819
Managing Director:
Wilfried Grohnert, Jan Alberts
Internet Responsability
Person responsible for content according to section § 55 paragraph 2 RStV: Jan Alberts, Wilfried Grohnert (address above).
Disclaimer for external links: Despite careful control we assume no liability for the content of external links. For the content of linked pages their operators are solely responsible for their content.
Technical Hotline:
Phone: Mo. - Fr. 10:00 a.m - 06:00 p.m. phone-no.: +49 2351 66887-19
(German landline number)
Email: support@logilink.com
The 2direct GmbH in the following mentioned as author, does not take on any guarantee for the up to date, correctness,
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GNU & GPL licenses:
Certain of our products include software code developed by third parties, including software code subject to the GNU General Public License ("GPL")
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For further details please see the GPL and LGPL licenses.
If a code is used, you will find the code listed on the corresponding article detail page on www.2direct.de under "Downloads".
Technical Hotline
10:00 a.m - 06:00 p.m
+49 2351 66887-19
(German landline number)
support@logilink.com |